Saturday, August 14, 2010

Flying, frustrations, and laughter

We left Wichita Kansas at 11:00 AM. Then we had a wonderful flight to Atlanta. The cool and scary part about that flight was the fact that we had to fly around some thunderstorms. We flew above and through some pretty dark clouds. Some passengers were scared, but I had adrenaline pumping through my veins – so I was excited ha ha. We landed in Atlanta safely and had some grub along with a smoothie.

After having our late lunch, we decided to look around for some reading material. We found a shop full of magazines, books, candy, and all sorts of knick-knacks. I bought my educational reading (NatGeo) and Rachel bought her… celeb gossip for the month J The hard, but hilarious part of this shopping run is the image of these two small girls. Not only am I small, but I’m carrying a huge load: a HEAVY shoulder bag, a guitar in one hand, and a nalgene along with a frozen smoothie in the other. The bag is killing my shoulder, the guitar is dragging on the floor, the smoothie has frozen my pinky, and I’m about to spill it all over the floor. All we can do as we haul all our junk to our gate, is laugh at ourselves.

We boarded the plane that was going to take us to Peru. Once stepping on the plane there was no turning back. The plane was nice and big with screens on the back of every seat. Rachel and I enjoyed two movies and two meals. The flight alone was five hours long. So when we got off that plane, we were relieved. Hoewever, we didn’t know about the struggles up ahead. Stepping off the plane we really didn’t know where to go or what to do. Exhausted and worried we followed the crowd and our instincts. We made it through immigration and we were able to find our bags and hoist them onto carts. Once again, we had no idea what was next. So we asked around and then headed to another line. In this line I had to press a button and pray that it wouldn’t turn red. Well with our luck it turned red… ha ha

So we then had to quickly pull our bags off the carts and pass them through the x-ray machine. And it was quickly because of the angry and annoyed people behind us. So here are two skinny girls hoisting these bags onto the rollers like there is no tomorrow. Just as we take a breath and feel proud of ourselves, we remember that the bags are coming out the other end. We look over and there are our bags piling up on each other. We run to the pile of bags and start hoisting them back onto the carts. At this point we are laughing hysterically. The people around us probably thought we were some crazy Americans. But I guess that its better to laugh at frustration than cry about it. Finally we got our tickets and weighed our bags. As we headed towards our gate we spotted a STARBUCKS. We just had to have some,we deserved it!


  1. Hey, Steph,
    Sounds like you have a positive attitude despite the challenges. Hang in there and keep laughing. Praying for you.

    Love . . .

  2. Oh my goodness Steph! Your luggage experience sounds so much like mine 'cept I was alone and not exactly laughing. I'm glad you girls are doing well :)

  3. oh my emily, I wish I could have been there with you. hope you're doing good :) miss ya and love ya tons
